Saturday, September 5, 2009

Wider Happy Farm (Facebook Game)

by Dang Huynh :D

Thể theo yêu cầu của nhiều bạn, mình mần cái hướng dẫn này để bạn nào thít hàng bự như mình thì mần theo :D

Happy Farm wide 

  1. Install Stylish for Firefox, an add-on to change the look of any website you want (if u know how).
  2. Restart Firefox, you’ll see a white S icon at the status bar (bottom, right). Right click, choose Write new Style > Blank style.
  3. On the new opened window, type in the Name of the new Style. Of course I use Happy Farm. Copy and paste the following text to the big textarea, Save and bam!, you’re done.

@namespace url(;

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {

    .app_content_57132175859 {
        margin: -5px -10px 0px -5px !important;
        width: 975px !important;
        overflow: visible !important
    #app57132175859_iframe_canvas {
        margin: -10px !important;
        height: 650px !important;
        width: 975px !important

Happy Farm Script

Last but not least, check out for more styles of your favourite sites like google mail, calendar, reader… on Have fun and gift me some flowers if u find this small note helpful. OK I admit noone will do that, so at least stop stealing from me for a day, will ya? Big Grin