by Dang Huynh :D
Thể theo yêu cầu của nhiều bạn, mình mần cái hướng dẫn này để bạn nào thít hàng bự như mình thì mần theo :D
- Install Stylish for Firefox, an add-on to change the look of any website you want (if u know how).
- Restart Firefox, you’ll see a white S icon at the status bar (bottom, right). Right click, choose Write new Style > Blank style.
- On the new opened window, type in the Name of the new Style. Of course I use Happy Farm. Copy and paste the following text to the big textarea, Save and bam!, you’re done.
@namespace url(;
@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
.app_content_57132175859 {
margin: -5px -10px 0px -5px !important;
width: 975px !important;
overflow: visible !important
#app57132175859_iframe_canvas {
margin: -10px !important;
height: 650px !important;
width: 975px !important
Last but not least, check out for more styles of your favourite sites like google mail, calendar, reader… on Have fun and gift me some flowers if u find this small note helpful. OK I admit noone will do that, so at least stop stealing from me for a day, will ya?